Sunday, February 28, 2010

More Bad Clams

I just ran into an interesting story in the BDN. . When there's a lot of surface runoff, like there has been around here in the last week or so, water from storm drains and catch basins overwhelms the sewage treatment plants. Storm water mixed with sewage goes overboard into the rivers, streams, harbors and bays adjacent to the treatment plant. Just like it always did in the good old days, right. Anyway, tide flats are polluted temporarily as their filter feeding residents work through the bounty of organic matter. Harvesting shellfish is supposed to stop. Eating clams from polluted flats makes people really sick.

Sounds like people at the state are getting annoyed with the folks in Machias for their management of sewage. The worst part is it puts diggers out of work for a while and "erodes consumer confidence" in clams. Who wants to pay 20 bucks for a clam dinner that's going to make 'em sick...and once sickened by bad clams it's a long time before somebody orders up another plateful.
Got any tartar sauce?

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